
At Homegrown we take pride in our sensitivity to all ecological aspects of engineering and development. We have built up extensive expertise in environmental mitigation ranging from large scale soil translocation projects and the collection of plants to the construction of specific habitats, such as badger setts.

Homegrown help our clients by enabling sustainable development and delivery across the whole asset life cycle to meet the net zero challenge. We integrate sustainability into everything we do, utilising our experienced multidisciplinary teams and digital innovation to create value, efficiency and transparency.  

We undertake habitat improvement for conservation and environmentally sensitive mitigation works. We supply experienced ecologists and environmentalists for surveying and reporting and offer a watching brief service during the construction phase of any project.

We pride ourselves in delivering pragmatic guidance, utilising the latest policies, legislation and ecological knowledge.  

We can help you with Ecological Impact Assessments (EIA’s), Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, river corridor surveys, invasive species surveys, various wildlife species surveys and habitat regulations assessments.

Our environmental policy commits us to continuous environmental improvement, by looking for ways to become more environmentally friendly and taking actions that will lead to environmental sustainability. It applies to all Homegrown activities and their effect on our employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, the general public, and the world environment.


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Case Studies